I have a vision...
I don't believe that putting anyone above another, or
to rule over others will solve anything.
We should be striving for an egalitarian society;
where no one individual,
is more important than any other.
All are of the utmost importance.
I have a vision of a society where we all work side by side
for the betterment and conditions of all life equally.
A society where instead of mandatory military service;
we replace it with mandatory government employment.
Where young adults would go to work within government for a fixed term as their initiation / entrance to the workforce.
Thereby promoting transparency and a better understanding of issues and challenges faced by government employees.
Because when people are armed with a better understanding of all the factors that play a part in the decision-making process; they are less apt to protest that decision.
I have a vision of a society where the salaries of politicians do not exceed the current rate designated as the 'minimum wage'.
A society where all politicians and legislation would be subject to strict civilian oversight by a non-partisan committee comprised of democratically elected citizens possessing the authority to veto any legislation before it is voted into law, as well as the authority to recall any delinquent members of government pending civilian review; should they go rogue or break election promises.
Also they would enjoy no diplomatic immunity of any kind. ALL laws would apply to all citizens and the ‘elite’ alike.
All taxes, laws and legislation of every kind would apply to them exactly as it applies to every citizen.
No perks beyond living expenses and their personal security would be covered by the taxpayers.
I have a vision of a society where wars would be fought ONLY if voted on and passed by the citizens. i.e. not at all.
This is how you keep government honest.
Corporations and banks would be brought back into line and held in check by civilian oversight and extremely punitive measures for ALL ethics regulations violations.
Their schemes and monopolies would be disassembled and outlawed.
Usury would once again be made illegal, the IMF, and the UN would be jailed for their crimes.
Fractional reserve banking would be outlawed, and those who have benefited from it all these years would be recognized as the criminals that they; in fact; are.
We would not be living in a credit based economy;
but with wages that are much fairer,
coupled with far fewer taxes;
ditching the plastic would not be an issue.
All health secrets and cures / knowledge currently being withheld from the public would be immediately released to the general public in conjunction with the immediate cessation of any and all 'population control' initiatives. Those persons / organizations who have bee found guilty of having suppressed those technologies would be put to death immediately.
Those who profited from these crimes against all humanity
would be brought to justice with extreme prejudice.
I have a vision of a society where all government wartime / espionage activities would become irrelevant and be halted altogether.
I have a vision of a society where everyone now having enough to meet their needs, would mean wars would not need to be fought as often or possibly at all.
I have a vision of a world where Zero-point energy would finally be released to the general public and no senior citizens would ever have to choose between eating or paying their hydro bills ever again.
With the elimination of suffering and desperate need; presumably; there would be no further need for us to quarrel.
With the elimination all forms of the establishment’s divisive, racist or otherwise subversive and propagandistic programming; presumably we would have no further reason to hate.
One world, one people of many colors and beliefs all working together; pooling our talents and our abilities,
for the benefit of all equally...
No woman, man, nor child left behind...
But that's just my opinion;
which, with the simple addition of one bus ticket;
will get me exactly one ride on the bus, lmao...
written by Andrew